Subunit exchange of hemoglobin Ώ2ΐ2 tetramer
- Subunit exchange between PEGylated and native Hbs

Fig. 1 Dimeric Ώΐ subunit exchange between bis-PEGylated Hb (bis-PEG-Hb) and native Hb
through association-dissociation equilibrium of Ώ2ΐ2 tetramers.
Title: Analysis of Dimeric Ώΐ Subunit Exchange between PEGylated and Native
Hemoglobins (Ώ2ΐ2 Tetramer) in an Equilibrated State by Intramolecular
Biomacromolecules 19(8), 3412-3420 (2018)
HDL:10564/3868 in institutional repository (the version post-peer review)
Various chemical modifications of hemoglobin (Hb) including PEGylation
have been investigated to produce red blood cell substitutes. Some of those
modifications are designed on the premise that the Ώ2ΐ2 tetrameric structure
of Hb is fundamentally stable and that it rarely dissociates into two Ώΐ
dimers in a physiological condition. However, in the present work using
the gclippingh method we detected and quantitatively analyzed the considerable
degree of exchange reaction of Ώΐ subunits between ΐ93Cys-bis-PEGylated
and native Hbs through dissociation into Ώΐ dimers and restructuring to
Ώ2ΐ2 tetramer in a physiological condition. The equilibrium constant (Keq)
of subunit exchange reactions increased from 0.82 to 2.86 with increasing
molecular weight of PEG from 2 to 40 kDa, indicating that longer PEG chains
enhanced such exchange reaction. The results suggest that the exchange
might occur for other modified Hbs even at a practically high concentration
for use as a red blood cell substitute.
- Ring-opening polymerization utilizing the association-dissociation equilibrium of Hb units

Fig. 2 Ring-opening polymerization of cyclic Hb monomer and subsequernt
Title: Ring-Opening Polymerization of Hemoglobin
Biomacromolecules 20(4), 1592-1602 (2019) >>
Journal Cover Image (Supplementary)
HDL:10564/3869 in institutional repository
Hemoglobin (Hb), an oxygen-carrying protein, has an Ώ2ΐ2 tetrameric structure
that dissociates reversibly into two Ώΐ dimers (Ώ2ΐ2 - 2Ώΐ). We synthesized
a cyclic Hb-ring monomer with two ΐ subunits bound through a 10 kDa PEG
chain. The monomer induced ring-opening polymerization to produce a supramolecular
polymer via inter-subunit interaction of Ώΐ dimers of an Hb molecule at
the PEG terminals. Both the ring-closed monomer and the ring-opened supramolecular
polymer were then fixed covalently by intramolecular crosslinking of two
ΐ subunits. Quantification of fixed products at various monomer concentrations
revealed the equilibrium constant (K), a ratio of propagation and depropagation
rate constants, as 5.68 mM-1. The average degree of polymerization (DP)
increased proportionally, concomitantly with the initial monomer concentration.
Hb polymer with DP = 13.2 (Mn = ca. 1 MDa) was obtained by crosslinking
at 2.33 mM. Our novel strategy of ring-opening polymerization of Hb will
eventually realize a highly aligned and efficiently polymerized Hb for
creating artificial oxygen carriers for a clinical use.
Title: Entropy-Driven Supramolecular Ring-Opening Polymerization of a Cyclic
Hemoglobin Monomer for Constructing a Hemoglobin-PEG Alternating Polymer
with Structural Regularity
Biomacromolecules 32(5), 1944-1954 (2021).
Our earlier report described that a cyclic hemoglobin (Hb) monomer with
two ΐ subunits of a Hb molecule (Ώ2ΐ2) bound through a flexible polyethylene
glycol (PEG) chain undergoes reversible supramolecular ring-opening polymerization
(S-ROP) to produce a supramolecular Hb polymer with a Hb-PEG alternating
structure. In this work, we polymerized cyclic Hb monomers with different
ring sizes (2, 5, 10, or 20 kDa PEG) to evaluate the thermodynamics of
S-ROP equilibrium. Quantification of the produced supramolecular Hb polymers
and the remaining cyclic Hb monomers in the equilibrium state revealed
a negligibly small enthalpy change in S-ROP (’Hp < 1 kJ mol-1) and a
markedly positive entropy change increasing with the ring size (’Sp = 26.8-33.2
J mol-1 K-1). The results suggest an entropy-driven mechanism in S-ROP:
a cyclic Hb monomer with the larger ring size prefers to form a supramolecular
Hb polymer. The S-ROP used for this study has the potential to construct
submicrometer-sized Hb-PEG alternating polymers having structural regularity.