

 2025-2011   2010-2006   2005-2001   2000-1989


H. Sakai, H. Onuma, M. Umeyama, S. Takeoka, and E. Tsuchida. Photoreduction of methemoglobin by irradiation in near-ultraviolet region. Biochemistry 39, 14595-14602, (2000).

H. Sakai, H. Hara, M. Yuasa, A.G. Tsai, S. Takeoka, E. Tsuchida, and M. Intaglietta. Molecular dimensions of Hb-based O2 carriers determine constriction of resistance arteries and hypertension. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 279, 908-915 (2000).

H. Sakai, H. Hara, A.G. Tsai, E. Tsuchida, and M. Intaglietta. Constriction of resistance arteries determine L-NAME-induced hypertention in a conscious hamster model. Microvasc. Res. 60, 21 - 27 (2000).

H. Sakai, K. Tomiyama, K. Sou, S. Takeoka, and E. Tsuchida. Poly(ethyleneglycol)- conjugation and deoxygenation enable long-term preservation of hemoglobin vesicles as oxygen carriers in a liquid state. Bioconjugate Chem. 11, 425-432 (2000).

H. Sakai, M. Yuasa, H. Onuma, S. Takeoka, and E. Tsuchida. Synthesis and physicochemical characterization of a series of hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers: objective comparison between cellular and acellular types. Bioconjugate Chem. 11, 56-64 (2000).

E. Tsuchida, H. Sakai, and S. Takeoka, "Artificial red cells as oxygen infusion" in "Handbook of Biomemetics" Eds by Y. Osada, et al., Chapt.7-6, pp.823-827 NTS Co.  (2000)  (in Japanese)   土田英俊、酒井宏水、武岡真司 "酸素輸液としての人工赤血球" 「バイオミメティックスハンドブック」第7(分泌と体内輸送系)6, pp.823-827, 長田義仁編, エヌ・ティー・エス社 (2000).

A.G. Tsai, H. Sakai, E. Tsuchida, and M. Intaglietta. Mechanical, microvascular, and cellular basis for the design of artificial blood. Artif. Blood (人工血液) 8, 30 - 39 (2000)

E. Tsuchida, and H. Sakai. Comments on a report "Perflubron emulsion delays blood transfusions in orthopedic surgery." Artif. Blood 8, 21-25 (2000) (in Japanese).  土田英俊、酒井宏水、海外文献紹介"Perflubron乳剤投与で整形手術時の輸血を遅延させることができる."人工血液 8, 21-25 (2000).

E. Tsuchida, H. Sakai, and S. Takeoka. Recent Development of artificial blood. Bioscience & Industry 58, 252-255 (2000) (in Japanese).  土田英俊、酒井宏水、武岡真司. "人工血液の開発動向." バイオサイエンスとインダストリー 58, 252-255 (2000)

K. Yamamoto, M. Kusunoki, I. Urabe, S. Tabata, S. Osaki. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of glucose dehydrogenase from Bacillus megaterium IWG3, Acta Crystallogr. D56, 1443-1445 (2000).

A. Nakayama, K. Yamamoto, S. Tabata. High expression of glycogen-debranching enzyme in Escherichia coli and its competent purification method. Protein Express. Purif. 19, 298-303 (2000).

T. Nakaishi, M. Ishizuka, K. Iio, T. Yomo, Y. Inokuchi, M. Kajitani, K. Yamamoto, Y. Shima, I. Urabe. Purification and characterization of Qb replicase with a His-tag. J. Mol. Catal. B10, 351-356 (2000).


H. Sakai, K. Tomiyama, K. Sou, S. Takeoka, and E. Tsuchida. Long term preservation of Hb-vesicles as O2 carriers achieved by poly(oxyethylene) conjugation and deoxygenation. Artif. Blood 7, 105-110 (1999). 酒井宏水、富山賢一、宗慶太郎、武岡真司、土田英俊. ポリオキシエチレン修飾と脱酸素化による酸素輸液(ヘモグロビン小胞体)の長期保存. 人工血液 7, 105-110 (1999).

D. Erni, H. Sakai, A.G. Tsai, M. Intaglietta., A. Banic, and G.H. Sigurdsson. Haemodynamic and oxygen tension in the microcirculation of ischaemic skin flaps after neural blockade and haemodilution. Br. J. Plastic Surg. 52, 565-572 (1999).

D. Erni, H. Sakai, A. Banic, H.M. Tschopp, and M. Intaglietta. Quantitative assessment of microhemodynamics in ischemic skin flap by intravital microscopy. Ann. Plast. Surg. 43, 405-14; discussion 414-5 (1999).

K. Eguchi, M. Mitsuhashi, K. Kobayashi, H. Sakai, S. Takeoka, and E. Tsuchida.  Stimulation of cytokine production from human peripheral mononuclear leukocytes by hemoglobin vesicles. Artif. Blood 7, 27-32 (1999). 江口圭介、三橋将人、小林紘一、酒井宏水、武岡真司、土田英俊. ヘモグロビン小胞体存在下におけるヒト末梢血単核細胞の各種サイトカイン産生の挙動. 人工血液 7, 27-32 (1999).

H. Sakai, H. Hara, A.G. Tsai, E. Tsuchida, P.C. Johnson, and M. Intaglietta. Changes in resistance vessels during hemorrhagic shock and resuscitation in conscious hamster model. Am. J. Physiol. 276 (Heart Circ. Physiol. 45), H563-H571 (1999).

H. Sakai, A.G. Tsai, R.J. Rohlfs, H. Hara, S. Takeoka, E. Tsuchida, and M. Intaglietta. Microvascular responses to hemodilution with Hb vesicles as red cell substitutes: Influence of O2 affinity. Am. J. Physiol. 276 (Heart Circ. Physiol. 45), H553-H562 (1999).

H. Sakai, H. Hara, M. Yuasa, S. Takeoka, M. Intaglietta, and E. Tsuchida. "Non-invasive observation of resistance arteries in conscious hamsters fitted with dorsal skinfold windows" in "Microcirculation Annual 1999" (Ed. by M. Tsuchiya, M. Asano, Y. Fukuuchi), pp.91-92, Nihon-Igakukan, Tokyo, 1999.

E. Tsuchida and H. Sakai, "Artificial Blood" in "Advanced medical technology in 21st century" (Ed. by Tokyo Women's Medical Univ. Dept. Medical Engineering) p.132 (1999) (in Japanese). 土田英俊、酒井宏水. "人工血液: 酸素を運搬する人工赤血球開発の現状"21世紀を切り開く先端医療:バイオメディカルエンジニアリング入門」東京女子医科大学医用工学研究施設編 p.132  Newton ムック(1999).

E. Tsuchida and H. Sakai, "Phospholipid vesicles: Formation and Stabilization" in "Microspheres, Microcapsules, & Liposomes, volume II" (R. Arshady, ed.) Chapt. 16, pp. 463-502, Citus Books, London, 1999.

E. Tsuchida and H. Sakai, "Hemoglobin Vesicles for Red Cell Substitutes" in "Microspheres, Microcapsules, & Liposomes, volume II" (R. Arshady, ed.) Chapt. 17, pp. 503-521, Citus Books, London, 1999.

H. Sakai, and E. Tsuchida. Recent progress in oxygen infusion. J. Clin. Exp. Med. (Igaku no Ayumi) 188, 677-686 (1999).  (in Japanese). 土田英俊, 酒井宏水 "酸素輸液の開発動向." 医学のあゆみ188, 677-686 (1999).

M. Kameoka, Y. Tanaka, K. Ota, A. Itaya, K. Yamamoto, K. Yoshihara. HIV-1 Tat protein is poly(ADP-ribosyl)ated in vitro, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 261, 90-94 (1999).

T. Matsuura, K. Miyai, S. Trakulnaleamsai, T. Yomo, Y. Shima, S. Mini, K. Yamamoto, I. Urabe. Evolutionary molecular engineering by random elongation mutagenesis, Nature Biotechnol. 17, 58-61 (1999).


A.G. Tsai, B. Friesenecker, M. McCarthy, H. Sakai, and M. Intaglietta. Plasma viscosity regulates capillary perfusion during extreme hemodilution in hamster skinfold model. Am. J. Physiol. 275 (Heart Circ. Physiol. 44), H2170-2180 (1998).

H. Sakai, A.G. Tsai, H. Kerger, S. Park, S. Takeoka, H. Nishide, E. Tsuchida, M. Intaglietta. Subcutaneous microvascular responses to hemodilution with a red cell substitute consisting of polyethyleneglycol-modified vesicles encapsulating hemoglobin. J. Biomed. Materials Res. 40, 66-78 (1998).

H. Sakai, M. Intaglietta, and E. Tsuchida. "Efficacy of red cell substitutes in microcirculation" Artif. Blood 6, 76-87, 1998. (in Japanese).  酒井宏水、マルコス・インタリエッタ、土田英俊. "微小循環動態の観測と赤血球代替物の評価." 人工血液 6, 76-87 (1998).

H. Sakai, A.G. Tsai, E. Tsuchida, and M. Intaglietta. "Microvascular responses to hemodilution with hemoglobin vesicles: Importance of resistance arteries and mechanisms of vasoconstriction." In "Present and future perspectives of blood substitutes" (E. Tsuchida, ed.) pp. 185-200, Elsevier Science, 1998.

S. Takeoka, H. Sakai, K. Kobayashi, and E. Tsuchida. "Evaluation of the oxygen transporting capability of hemoglobin vesicles." In "Present and future perspectives of blood substitutes." (E. Tsuchida, ed.) pp. 171-184, Elsevier Science, 1998.

A.G. Tsai, B. Friensenecker, H. Sakai, H. Kerger, and M. Intaglietta, "Biophysical criteria for microcirculatory efficacy of blood substitutes." In "Present and future perspectives of blood substitutes." (E. Tsuchida, ed.) pp. 125-134, Elsevier Science, 1998.

T. Matsuura, T. Yomo, S. Trakulnaleamsai, Y. Ohashi, K. Yamamoto, I. Urabe. Nonadditivity of mutational effects on the properties of catalase I and its application to efficient directed evolution, Protein Engineering 11, 789-795 (1998).

A. Yamauchi, T. Yomo, F. Tanaka, I. D. Prijambada, S. Ohashi, K. Yamamoto, Y. Shima, K. Ogasahara, K. Yutani, M. Kataoka, I. Urabe. Characterization of soluble artificial proteins with random sequences, FEBS Letters 421, 147-151 (1998).

T. Yomo, T. Hatanaka, H. Yamamoto, K. Yamamoto, Y. Shima, E. K Mitamura, I. Urabe. Kinetic equation for template-dependent polymerase reactions and its application toThermus thermophilus DNA polymerase, J. Ferment. Bioeng. 86, 379-384 (1998).


S.I. Park, H. Sakai, S. Takeoka, H. Nishide, and E. Tsuchida. O2 binding and dissociation and ligand exchange reaction of O2 with CO in polymer composite films of hemoglobin. Polymer Adv. Technol. 8, 366-370 (1997).

S. Takeoka, H. Sakai, T. Kose, Y. Mano, Y. Seino, H. Nishide, E. Tsuchida. Methemoglobin formation in hemoglobin vesicles and reduction by encapsulated thiols. Bioconjugate Chem. 8, 539-544 (1997).

K. Kobayashi, Y. Izumi, A. Yoshizu, H. Horinouchi, S. I. Park, H. Sakai, S. Takeoka, H. Nishide, E. Tsuchida. The oxygen carrying capability of hemoglobin vesicles evaluated in rat exchange transfusion models. Artif. Cells Blood Substitutes Immobilization Biotechnol. 25, 357-366 (1997).

Y. Izumi, H. Sakai, T. Kose, K. Hamada, S. Takeoka, A. Yoshizu, H. Horinouchi, R. Kato, H. Nishide, E.Tsuchida, and K. Kobayashi. Evaluation of the capabilities of a hemoglobin vesicle as an artificial oxygen carrier in a rat exchange transfusion model. ASAIO J. 43, 289-297 (1997).

A. Yoshizu, T. Yamahata, Y. Izumi, H. Horinouchi, K. Kobayashi, S.I. Park, H. Sakai, S. Takeoka, E. Tsuchida. The oxygen transporting capability of hemoglobin vesicle, an artificial oxygen carrier, evaluated in a rat hemorrhagic shock model. Artif. Blood 5, 18-22 (1997). 吉津晃、山畑健、泉陽太郎、堀之内宏久、小林紘一、朴晟翼、酒井宏水、西出宏之、土田英俊. 出血性ショックモデルを用いた人工酸素運搬体、ヘモグロビン小胞体の酸素運搬能の検討. 人工血液 5, 18-22 (1997).

S. Takeoka, T. Ohgushi, H. Sakai, T. Kose, H. Nishide, and E. Tsuchida. Construction of artificial metHb reduction system in Hb-vesicles. Artif. Cells Blood Substitutes Immobilization Biotechnol. 25, 31-41 (1997).

H. Sakai, S. Takeoka, S. Park, T. Kose, H. Nishide, Y. Izumi, A. Yoshizu, K. Kobayashi, and E. Tsuchida. Surface modification of hemoglobin vesicles with poly(ethyleneglycol) and effects on aggregation, viscosity, and blood flow during 90% exchange transfusion in anesthetized rats. Bioconjugate Chem. 8, 23-30 (1997).

A.G. Tsai, B. Friensenecker, H. Sakai, H. Kerger, and M. Intaglietta, "The mechanism of tissue oxygenation and the design of oxygen carrying plasma expanders." In "Advances in Blood Substitutes: Industrial opportunities and medical challenges (R.M. Winslow, K.D. Vandegriff, and M. Intaglietta eds.).” Boston: Birkhauser, 1997, chapter 10, pp.189-206.

H. Sakai, A.G. Tsai, M. Intaglietta, and E. Tsuchida. "Hemoglobin encapsulation with polyethyleneglycol-modified vesicles: systemic and microvascular hemodynamics at 80% exchange transfusion." In "Advances in Blood Substitutes: Industrial opportunities and medical challenges (R.M. Winslow, K.D. Vandegriff, and M. Intaglietta eds.).” Boston: Birkhauser, 1997, chapter 8, pp.151-166.

T. Yomo, T. Yamano, K. Yamamoto, I. Urabe. General equation of steady-state enzyme kinetics using net rate constants and its application to the kinetic analysis of catalase reaction, J. Theor. Biol. 188, 301-312 (1997).

C. Kobayashi, Y. Suga, K. Yamamoto, T. Yomo, K. Ogasahara, K. Yutani, I. Urabe. Thermal conversion from low- to high-activity forms of catalase I from Bacillus stearothermophilus. J. Biol. Chem. 272, 23011-23016 (1997).


H. Sakai, K. Hamada, S. Takeoka, H. Nishide, and E. Tsuchida. Functional evaluation of hemoglobin- and lipidheme-vesicles as red cell substitutes. Polymers Adv. Technol. 7, 639-644 (1996).

Y. Izumi, H. Sakai, K. Hamada, S. Takeoka, Y. Yamahata, R. Kato, H. Nishide, E. Tsuchida, and K. Kobayashi. Physiologic responses to exchange transfusion with Hemoglobin Vesicles as an artificial oxygen carrier in anesthetized rats: changes in mean arterial pressure and renal cortical oxygen tension. Crit. Care Med. 24, 1869-1873 (1996).

S.I. Park, K. Sou, H. Sakai, S. Takeoka, H. Nishide, and E. Tsuchida. Effect of surface modification of hemoglobin-vesicles (HbV) with polyethyleneglycol-lipid or glycolipid. Artif Blood 4, 9-13 (1996) (in Japanese). 朴晟翼、宗慶太郎、酒井宏水、武岡真司、西出宏之、土田英俊. ポリエチレングリコール型脂質および糖脂質によるヘモグロビン小胞体(HbV)の表面修飾効果. 人工血液 4, 9-13 (1996).

H. Sakai, K. Hamada, S. Takeoka, H. Nishide, and E. Tsuchida. Physical properties of hemoglobin vesicles as red cell substitutes. Biotechnol. Progress 12, 119-125 (1996).

H. Sakai, and E. Tsuchida. Physiological Roles of Biological Messenger Molecules (NO, CO). Chemistry (Kagaku) 51, 62-63 (1996) (in Japanese). 酒井宏水, 土田英俊. 情報分子(NO,CO)が果たしている生理的役割. 化学 51, 62-63 (1996)

K. Kobayashi, Y. Izumi, T. Yamahata, H. Sakai, S. Takeoka, H. Nishide, and E. Tsuchida. "Efficacy of synthetic oxygen-carrying substances." In “Int. Congr. Ser. 1995, 1102 (Shock: from Molecular and Cellular Level to Whole Body).” 305-310, Elsevier, (pub. 1996)

I. D. Prijambada, T. Yomo, F. Tanaka, T. Kawama, K. Yamamoto, A. Hasegawa, Y. Shima, S. Negoro, I. Urabe. Solubility of artificial proteins with random sequences. FEBS Letters 382, 21-25 (1996).


K. Hamada, T. Kose, T. Ohgushi, H. Sakai, S. Takeoka, H.Nishide, and E. Tsuchida. Spectroscopical assay system for the determination of red cell substitutes (NRC). Artif. Blood 3, 96-101 (1995). (in Japanese) 濱田健一、巨勢丈裕、大串建、酒井宏水、武岡真司、西出宏之、土田英俊. 赤血球代替物(NRC)の成分定量. 人工血液 3, 96-101 (1995).

H. Sakai, Y. Izumi, T. Yamahata, K. Hamada, S. Takeoka, H. Nishide, K. Kobayashi and E. Tsuchida. Evaluation of oxygen transport of hemoglobin vesicles by exchange transfusion into rats. Artif. Blood 3, 81-86 (1995). (in Japanese). 酒井宏水、泉陽太郎、山畑健、濱田健一、武岡真司、西出宏之、小林紘一、土田英俊. ヘモグロビン小胞体の酸素輸送に関するラット交換輸血試験. 人工血液 3, 81-86 (1995).

H. Sakai, M. Takisada, J. E. Chung, S. Takeoka, H.Nishide, and E. Tsuchida. Modification of Hb-vesicles with oligosaccharide chains. Artif. Organs Today 4, 309-316 (1995).

J. E. Chung, K. Hamada, H. Sakai, S. Takeoka, H. Nishide, and E. Tsuchida. Ligand exchange reaction of carbonylhemoglobin to oxyhemoglobin in a hemoglobin liquid membrane. Nihonkagakukaishi 1995, 123-127. (in Japanese) 鄭主恩、濱田健一、酒井宏水、武岡真司、土田英俊. ヘモグロビン液膜のカルボニルヘモグロビンからオキシヘモグロビンへの配位子交換. 日本化学会誌 1995(2), 123-127.

J. E. Chung, H. Sakai, S. Takeoka, H. Nishide, and E. Tsuchida. Coordination behavior of O2 and CO in a solid film consisting of hemoglobin and maltose. Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 68, 1006 -1011 (1995).

H. Sakai, and E. Tsuchida. Recent progress of blood substitutes. Jpn J. Pediatr. Surg. (Shouni-geka) 27, 1057-1063 (1995) (in Japanese). 酒井宏水, 土田英俊. 血液代替物の進歩. 小児外科 27, 1057-1063 (1995).

E. Tsuchida, and H. Sakai. Blood cell substitutes and red cell substitutes. Hematopoietic Factor (Zouketsu Innshi) 6, 351-356 (1995)  (in Japanese). 土田英俊, 酒井宏水. 赤血球代替物と血液代替物-この未知なるもの-. 造血因子 6, 351-356 (1995).

E. Tsuchida, and H. Sakai, Development of blood substitutes. J. Clin. Exp. Med. (Igaku no Ayumi) 172, 99-104 (1995).  (in Japanese). 土田英俊, 酒井宏水 血液代替物の展開 -とくに赤血球代替物に関して-. 医学のあゆみ172, 99-104 (1995).

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T. Ohgushi, J. E. Chung, H. Sakai, S.Takeoka, and E. Tsuchida. Hemoglobin-vesicles stabilized by modification with glycolipid. Atrif. Blood 2, 97-101 (1994). (in Japanese) 大串建、鄭主恩、酒井宏水、武岡真司、土田英俊. オリゴ糖修飾ヘモグロビン小胞体の分散安定度. 人工血液  2, 97-101 (1994).

H. Yokohama, Y. Seino, J. E. Chung, H. Sakai, S. Takeoka, H. Nishide, and E. Tsuchida. Suppression of metHb formation in Hb-vesicles by glutathione. Artif. Organs Today 4, 107-116 (1994).

H. Yokohama, Y. Seino, J. E. Chung, H. Sakai, S. Takeoka, H. Nishide, and E. Tsuchida. Suppression of metHb formation in Hb-vesicles by glutathione. Jpn. J. Artif. Organs 23, 868 -871(1994).  (in Japanese)  横浜裕明、清野由里子、鄭主恩、酒井宏水、武岡真司、西出宏之、土田英俊. グルタチオンによるHb小胞体のmetHb生成抑制. 人工臓器 23, 868 -871(1994).

H. Sakai, M. Takisada, J. E. Chung, S. Takeoka, and E. Tsuchida. Modification of Hb-vesicles with oligosaccharide chains. Jpn. J. Artif. Organs 23, 864-867 (1994).  (in Japanese) 酒井宏水、滝貞幹正、鄭主恩、武岡真司、土田英俊. Hb小胞体のオリゴ糖修飾効果. 人工臓器 23, 864-867 (1994).

H. Sakai, S. Takeoka, Y. Seino, and E. Tsuchida. Suppression of methemoglobin formation by glutathione in a concentrated hemoglobin solution and in a Hb-vesicle. Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 67, 1120-1125 (1994).

S. Takeoka, H. Sakai, K. Terease, H. Nishide, and E. Tsuchida. Characteristics of Hb-vesicles and encapsulation procedure. Artif. Cells, Blood Substitutes, Immobilization Biotechnol. 22, 861-866 (1994).

H. Sakai, S. Takeoka, H. Nishide, and E. Tsuchida. Convenient method to purify hemoglobin. Artif. Cells, Blood Substitutes, Immobilization Biotechnol. 22, 651-656 (1994). 

S. Takeoka, K. Terase, H. Sakai,  H. Yokohama, H. Nishide, and E. Tsuchida. Interaction between phosphoslipid assemblies and hemoglobin (Hb). J. Macromol. Sci., Pure Appl. Chem. A31, 97-108 (1994).

E. Tsuchida, and H. Sakai. Recent development of blood substitutes. Pediatrics (Shouni-ka) 35, 1225-1232 (1994). (in Japanese). 土田英俊, 酒井宏水. 代用血液の近況(血液代替物: ヘモグロビン小胞体). 小児科 35, 1225-1232 (1994).

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H. Sakai, S. Takeoka, H. Yokohama, Y.Seino, H. Nishide, and E. Tsuchida. Purufication of concentrated Hb using organic solvent and heat treatment. Protein Expression Purif. 4, 563 -569 (1993).

S. Takeoka, T. Ohgushi, H. Yokohama, H. Sakai, H. Nishide, and E. Tsuchida. Preparation conditions of human Hb-vesicles covered with lipid membranes. Artif. Organs Today 3, 129 -136 (1993).

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